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March 2023
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Events in the month of March 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday Webinar

Common Eye Diseases, Clinical Practice Guidelines, and Proper Coding

Wednesday, March 29

6:00 pm via Zoom

Speakers: Rebecca Wartman, OD, and Harvey Richman, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, Diplomate ABO

Join us for March's Wednesday Webinar featuring Drs. Rebecca Wartman and Harvey Richman as they go over common eye diseases, clinical practice guidelines, and proper coding.


Wednesday, March 29 at 6:00 pm



Course Description:

This course will review and take an in-depth dive into the common ocular pathologies and briefly review the clinical care guidelines for each. There will be a discussion of special testing, how to pace, code, and the insurance rules for each condition.


Rebecca Wartman, OD
Harvey Richman, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, Diplomate ABO

CE Hours:



NOA Members - Free
AOA Affiliate Members - $50
Non-Members - $100
Students - Free

Dr. Rebecca Wartman attended The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee (B.A. Psychology) and the University of Missouri St Louis School of Optometry. She retired from private practice caring for nursing facility patients in western North Carolina and is now a consultant and lecturer.

 Dr. Wartman is a past President of the North Carolina State Optometric Society and is currently the American Optometric Association Coding and Reimbursement Committee chair and a member of the AOA Third Party Committee.  She is the American Optometric Association advisor to CPT® Editorial Panel and on the CPT® Assistant Editorial Panel.  She is a consultant with Eye Care Centers OD, PA, in North Carolina, Third Party Liaison for the North Caroline Optometric Society. She is a Third-Party Consultant for the Kentucky Optometric Association and the South Carolina Optometric Physicians Association.

She was the 2008 North Carolina State Optometric Society Optometrist of the Year, received the 2012 and the 2021 John D. Costabile Distinguished Service Award, and was the 2013 and 2022 North Carolina Optometric Society nominee for AOA Optometrist of the Year and received the American Optometric Association President's Award in 2021.

She writes and lectures on insurance and coding issues, Drug Side Effects, and Opioids, as well as Eye Care for Long Term Care patients. Dr. Wartman is married with two adult sons, three grandsons, and one granddaughter.

Dr. Harvey Richman is a New England College of Optometry graduate where education emphasizes the evaluation of children with behavioral and perceptual difficulties. After several years of pediatric practice and research, Dr. Harvey Richman achieved the credentials of Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, earning his Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. Dr. Richman continued with his credentials by being one of the first Diplomate of the American Board of Optometrists.

He has highlighted presentations on pediatrics, attention deficit disorder, vision therapy, autism, low vision rehabilitation, medical marijuana, and billing and coding. His dedication to helping the visual welfare of children and the needy has rewarded him with the 1997 Young Optometrist of the Year in New Jersey. October 2007 marked Dr. Richman being awarded the Optometrist of the Year in New Jersey. He was President of the NJ Society of Optometric Physicians from 2008-2009. Most recently, Dr. Richman was recognized with the NJSOP Lifetime Achievement Award.

In 2006, Dr. Richman was asked to join the American Optometric Associations Third Party Executive Committee to work on the Coding Committee.  As one of the AOA Ask the Coding Experts, he is the alternate delegate to the American Medical Association's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Advisor Panel. He also participates in the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and the Unlisted Code Workgroups. He has published work on Coding for Vision Therapy and Vision Rehabilitation for the AOA and COVD. Dr. Richman is Standard Field Sobriety Test certified and enjoys working with police officers on the effects of alcohol, cannabis, and vision. 

Dr. Richman enjoys riding bicycles and traveling with his wife, Dr. Maria Richman.