Calendar of Events

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August 2024
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Events in the month of August 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The Great Seal of the State of Nevada

The Nevada State Board of Optometry will hold a Board meeting on  

Pursuant to NRS 241.023(1)(c), the workshop is being conducted by means of remote technology and in person.  The public may attend via live stream remotely, telephonically, or in person:

Meeting ID: 829 5827 9665
Passcode: 089267

1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 829 5827 9665

In person
Nevada Business Center
Red Rock Room
3300 W. Sahara Ave.
4th Floor, Suite 440
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 

The public is invited to attend 
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
The Great Seal of the State of Nevada - All For Our Country

Pursuant to NRS 233B.0601, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Nevada State Board of Optometry will hold a public workshop on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 12 p.m. (PST) to consider amendments to R066-19(12)(3)-(4).  

Pursuant to NRS 241.023(1)(c), the workshop is being conducted by means of remote technology and in person.  The public may attend via live stream remotely, telephonically, or in-person:

Meeting ID: 829 5827 9665
Passcode: 089267

1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 829 5827 9665

In person
Nevada Business Center
Red Rock Room
3300 W. Sahara Ave.
4th Floor, Suite 440
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

Written comments inclusive of impact on small business will be accepted by email to or alternatively to Nevada State Board of Optometry, PO Box 1824, Carson City, NV 89702 on or before close of business August 21, 2024.

All registrants and interested parties are encouraged to participate in the regulatory review process. The Board’s discussion for this workshop occurred after proposed regulations discussed at its public meeting on May 30, 2024, written submissions on or before June 27, 2024, and discussion of same at its public meeting on June 27, 2024, written submission on or before July 31, 2024, and discussion of same at its workshop on July 31, 2024.  Notice of this workshop was sent to all registered licensees on the Board’s email-mailing list, as well as posted in the below-described locations on page two of this Notice. 

Pursuant to NRS 233B.061(2), Notice of Proposed Regulation Workshop for possible action:
Amendments to R066-19(12)(3)-(4)
❖ The Board is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for any member of the public who has a disability and wishes to attend the meeting. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify the Nevada State Board of Optometry, in writing at P.O. Box 1824, Carson City, Nevada 89702; via email at or call 775-883-8367 as far in advance as possible. 
❖ To request an advance copy of the supporting materials, including its small business impact statement, contact or call 775-883-8367.  This Notice has been posted at the following locations: 
• Nevada State Board of Optometry office, Reno, NV 89523
• Nevada State Board of Optometry website:
• Nevada Public Notice website: